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COVID-19 Exemption Pass in Lockdown

Writer's picture: Hygrow EnterpriseHygrow Enterprise

Updated: May 10, 2020

How to apply Gujarat COVID-19 Exemption Pass for Lockdown Inter and Intra State Travel Pass.

Gujarat Epass Documents Required

While filling the application form, you have to attach all the essential documents to the form. The list of all the important documents is given below-

  • You have to submit, any of the following Id Proofs-

  • Driving License

  • Any Govt. issued Identification card

  • Vehicle RC

  • Proof of Registration with Government / Corporation

  • Other Document

Registration on portal

2. Select respective service: A list will appear of all the services given to citizens.

Applicants must pick the Exemption pass menu for Covid-19.

3. Apply Online: Now, move over to a new tab. You can see the requisite instructions on this page which you must pass before submitting. Now, you need to go further by clicking on the tab "Apply Online."

4.Register as a new user: Now, a new page will appear and for registration, you have to click on “Click for New Registration (Citizen)” tab.

5. Fill Registration detail: The application form will turn up online. In the space given, you must fill in all the information correctly. After all the information is filled in and clicks on the "Save" tab. Finally, you complete the registration process.

After successful registration on portal, you have to proceed further by following the given instructions-

6. Login on the portal:

7. Application form appears: Click on Continue to service

8.Request Id and Application No: you will receive a request Id and Applicant number for the select services. Then Click On the "Continue" button.

9. Fill details

For Intra State Travel Pass form or Out Side Gujarat Travelling like this :

For Inter Travel Pass form like this:

10.Upload documents and click on the "Submit" button

11. Application competes

12.Issue of Pass or Generate Pass: If the application is checked and accepted, a confirmation message is sent to you on the registered mobile. Finally, passes will be released after approval which you can download and print from the official portal.

More Info:-

HelpLine No: 1077 / 079-23251900

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